



  1. 提高和培養學生學習歷史的興趣;
  2. 幫助學生鑑古知今;
  3. 加強學生對社區及本地文化,以及對世界其他主要文化之認識;
  4. 建立學生歷史技能和共通能力,以供日後升學和生活之用;
  5. 培養學生成為具國際視野、有識見和責任感的公民。



課題 1: 人類的需要:古與今
課題 2: 歐洲文明的發展 
課題 3: 伊斯蘭文明的興起與中古時代歐亞的文化交流
課題 4: 早期香港地區的歷史、文化與傳承


課題 5: 近代歐洲的興起 
課題 6: 歐洲國家的殖民擴張 
課題 7: 美國的成立及發展 
課題 8: 香港直至19世紀末的成長與發展 

中三主題︰現代世界(20世紀至今)︰邁向多極與相互依存 (2024年起)

課題9: 20世紀的國際紛爭及危機(I)– 兩次世界大戰
課題10: 20世紀的國際紛爭及危機(II)– 冷戰及後冷戰時代
課題 11: 20世紀以來的國際合作
課題 12: 20世紀香港的成長與蛻變   

S4-6 (英語授課科目)

Curriculum Objectives

The aims are to enable students to:

  1. discover where they stand in the contemporary world through understanding the origins and development of modern events;
  2. develop the skills of critical thinking, making sound judgments and effective communication through exploring historical issues;
  3. approach past and current events in an impartial and empathetic manner, using a variety of perspectives;
  4. understand the characteristics and values of their own culture, and appreciate the shared humanity and common problems of the world’s many peoples;
  5. cultivate both national consciousness and the consciousness of being citizens of the global community, and thus become rational and sensible members of the local community, the nation and the world; and
  6. be prepared to explore in greater depth an issue of personal interest, or one that may be of relevance to their future careers and professional studies.

Curriculum Content

Theme A: Modernisation and Transformation in Twentieth-Century Asia

(1) Modernisation and transformation of Hong Kong 
(2) Modernisation and transformation of China 
(3) Modernisation and transformation of Japan and Southeast Asia 

Theme B: Conflicts and Cooperation in the Twentieth-Century World 

(4) Major conflicts and the quest for peace 
(5) The quest for cooperation and prosperity